Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I'm not giving up for Lent

Honestly, I think this is good advice for today.  Just remember, stumbling along the way doesn't mean a failure.  You only fail if you stop trying.  We're human, we make mistakes.  Our friends will forgive us.  The ones who will roast you at your weakest point are not really your friends, as they secretly use you build themselves up this way.  But step number one is to not let something in the way be the end of your progress.

Your job today is to close your eyes, and remember someone who loves you unfailingly.  Even if you can only think of your pets at this point, use it.  Now place yourself in their shoes and "see" yourself with their eyes.  Feel your value in their lives.  Love the person they see in you as they would.  Now take that feeling with you  as you go through the next couple of days.  Let your purpose in that other person's life guide you towards doing things that are good for you.

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